Fr. Michael Williams
"Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice."
03rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A)
I noticed on TV this week that a funeral company have started advertising their ‘products’. The advert is a jolly affair. In the advert one man is amused by the fact that he’s decided to have the Frank Sinatra song, ‘My Way’ at his funeral service. Not if I do it pal!
Because ‘My way’ is the antithesis of God’s way. In today’s gospel we hear Jesus invite, Peter, Andrew, James and John to change their lives and follow His way. The immediacy with which these four decide to follow Jesus is staggering, but real. It still happens today. I remember reading a book entitled, ‘From Gangland to Promised Land’, which is about a man leaving behind the gang and drug culture of London to follow the Lord. And he’s now working for the Lord taking the gospel message to schools and prisons.
Jesus began His mission with the sentence, ‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is close at hand’. The original Greek word we use for repent is ‘Metanoia’ and it is more akin to meaning ‘change one’s life’. In essence it means move away from the selfishness of my way, to the sacrifice and generosity of God’s way. This what Jesus is asking of the four in today’s gospel, but he also asks it of us in our differing states of life.
Whatever our state in life we are called to be faithful to God’s message. Then, and now, that will mean suffering for proclaiming the gospel. In the news this week we heard of a Christian couple who have been prosecuted because they only wanted married couples staying in the double room in their privately owned guest house. The state has persecuted them for being followers of Jesus and His way, and being faithful to Christian principles.
Of course it’s not the first time the state has persecuted Christ’s followers. Peter and Andrew would be crucified by the Roman state authorities; James would be killed on the direct orders of King Herod and his brother John would spend much time in exile on the Greek Island of Patmos.
But they would be honoured by future generations and inherit eternal life. The place of Peter’s burial now has a huge church built over it, St Peter’s Basilica in Rome. Andrew is honoured as the patron of Scotland, Greece and Russia. Who honours the Emperor Nero or King Herod these days? And in the future, who will honour the politicians and judges of today who create laws, which make it impossible for believers in Christ to follow His teachings? These politicians and lawmakers trample upon the Christian conscience. But one day they will stand before the Supreme Judge, just like Nero and Herod had to once their life on earth was finished.
Authentically, following Jesus has never been easy I suspect. It demands commitment and sacrifice. Peter, Andrew, James and John were amongst the first to make the decision to commit to Christ and follow His ways. Yes, they didn’t always get it right, as the gospels clearly show. But in the final analysis, at the end of their lives, they could say, ‘I did it Christ’s Way’, not ‘My Way’. And Christ’s Way leads us to ‘live in the house of the Lord, all the days of our life and to savour the sweetness of the Lord’.
Incidentally, the singer of ‘My way’, Frank Sinatra, came to his senses at the end of his life. He decided to do it Christ’s Way, as he returned to the Sacraments of the Church, and saying the Rosary on his death bed. Thanks be to God.