Fr. Michael Williams
"Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice."
The Sacred Heart of Jesus (Year A)
When St. Margaret Mary revealed, that the Lord had requested a feast dedicated to the Sacred Heart, to be celebrated on the Friday following the octave of Corpus Christi, the saint ‘met only resistance and ridicule’. The ‘learned’ and the ‘clever’ frowned upon such silly ideas.
Yet we know that the Father reveals His mysteries only “to mere children”. They are the ones who are open to the possibilities of Mystery. A child can accept a mystery much easier than the ‘learned’ and the ‘clever’.
Because Margaret Mary was open to the mystery of the Sacred Heart she came to know the love that Heart had for her. She came to know the “gentle and humble” heart of Jesus. She experienced the heart of Jesus as a heart that burns with love for sinful humanity. Even though the Lord’s heart is wounded by our sins it does not cease to love, for “God is love”; and this love was revealed “when God sent His Son to be the sacrifice that takes our sins away”.
The burning love God has for us, is an inspiration for us, to love others. As St. John has said, “Since God has loved us so much, we too should love one another”.
Let’s pray that the love the Sacred Heart of Jesus has for us will move us to love others, especially those in need of rest for their souls.