Fr. Michael Williams
"Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice."
Pentecost Sunday (Year B)
Before Jesus returned to Heaven, He promised to send His disciples, “the Spirit of truth who issues from the Father”. Today’s feast of Pentecost celebrates the fulfilment of that promise. The Spirit of truth was sent upon those first disciples who had gathered in prayer in the upper-room in Jerusalem. Once they had received the Spirit of truth, the Apostles were given the courage to preach “about the marvels of God”. Remember Jesus said “the Spirit of truth…will be my witness. And you too will be witnesses”. The Spirit gives people the courage and confidence to witness to Jesus and His message.
But the Spirit of truth was not only poured out upon the disciples at Pentecost two thousand years ago; the Spirit of truth is still being poured out today. Whenever someone is baptised or confirmed they receive God’s Spirit; whenever someone is anointed or goes to confession they receive God’s Spirit; whenever someone is ordained or is married in the Church they receive God’s Spirit. Of course when we receive Holy Communion we also receive God’s Spirit.
So the Lord continues to send forth His Spirit today, and so renews the face of the earth. And the face of the earth which is made ugly by sin, what St. Paul calls self-indulgence, is in constant need of renewal. Only the Lord’s Spirit renews the face of the earth, not human ideologies.
The ideology of modern Britain, often based on materialism, consumerism and pleasure is producing in abundance the self-indulgent sin St Paul speaks of - “fornication, gross indecency and sexual irresponsibility”. These sins produce a false ideology of sexuality, which is all around to see. St Paul also speaks of “idolatry and sorcery”. People dabbling in occult practises- ouija boards, séances, tarot cards, psychics and the like- are entertaining the devil. And supping with the devil has consequences. St Paul also speaks of the self-indulgence of “wrangling and jealousy, bad temper and quarrels”. These sins destroy families and communities, and need to be constantly overcome and rejected.
Jesus has given us “the Advocate…the Spirit of truth…who will lead you”. But for the Spirit of truth to be effective in our lives we need to work with Him. By working with Him, and allowing Him to guide us, we can produce those fruits of the Spirit: “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, trustfulness, gentleness and self-control”. These qualities ennoble a human person, and makes them beautiful, not only in the sight of God, but in the sight of other human souls. Making these fruits of the Spirit present in our lives requires effort. We have to first “crucify all self indulgent passions and desire”, so as to make room for God’s Spirit to produce beautiful qualities in our lives.
Next weekend I’ll be in Lourdes. When St Bernadette was asked to describe Our Lady she said she was beautiful. Mary is beautiful because she has all the fruits of the Spirit present within her: “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, trustfulness, gentleness and self-control”, as do all the saints- known and unknown. That’s what makes them beautiful. Ugliness comes from self-indulgence. So we can have certain celebrities who society deems as beautiful, but in fact they are ugly- ugly as sin.
Let’s pray that by working with the Holy Spirit that we have received through our baptism, and the other Sacraments, we will become a beautiful work of art for God, and not a work of self-indulgence for the devil. Let’s pray that the Spirit of truth will accompany us throughout our lives and make us radiant in the sight of God.
“Send forth your spirit O Lord and renew the face of the earth”.